February 12, 2019 Anubhav Munjaal

Working with date and time in Python

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Like every programming language, python has got some predefined libraries to import functions from and use them in your code. The most generic of which is date.

We will start with importing the predefined library for using dates and related functions in our program. Today’s date is 12th of february 2019

import datetime

This will import the library. Now using this library we can use the below functions

currentDate = datetime.date.today()

Storing the current date inside the CurrentDate variable.


Output : 2019-02-12

print(currentDate.year) #year is propety of currentDate object

Output : 2019

print(currentDate.month) #month is propety of currentDate object

Output : 2

print(currentDate.day) #day is propety of currentDate object

Output : 12

Date Format

We can change the way the date is being displayed.

the default format is YYYY-MM-DD

For printing something like 12 Feb, 2019, we use

print(currentDate.strftime('%d %b,%Y '))

function strftime() – converts time to string format.

%d = Date ,
%b = First 3 characters of the month,
%Y = the year.

Wish to know all formats ? have a look at string from time reference.

So here is a small program to calculate the month of your birthday from a given input.

birthday = input("What is your birthday?")
birthday = datetime.datetime.strptime(birthday,"%d/%m/%Y").date() #**
print("Your birthday is in"+ birthday.strftime('%B'))

We ask the user to input his birthday | input : 04/01/1993
Output: Your birthday is in January

**Why we used datetime 2 times ?

Just because we need to call the function strptime which is in the datetime module.

Calculating Days between today and your next birthday.

import datetime
currentDate = datetime.date.today()userInput = input('Please enter your birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)')
birthday = datetime.datetime.strptime(userInput,'%m/%d/%Y').date()
days = birthday - currentDate

Displaying Time

import datetime
currentDate = datetime.datetime.now() //4:12PM

Output: 12

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Anubhav Munjaal

With over 14 years of distinguished expertise in technology and branding, I consult with Entrepreneurs, SMBs and Startups to strategize & understand their objectives, empowering them to harness technology through a roadmap to achieve up to 5X growth. My consultation involves a comprehensive framework for modern websites, integrated software solutions, and robust IT infrastructure, driving excellence and transformative success.